Hope Restoration College, situated amidst the urban landscapes of the Gauteng Province, is an independent combined school offering ordinary education. Located at 01, Cnr Zuurfontein Street And Orange River Drive, Beynon Close, Chloorkop, Kempton Park in the vibrant suburb of Beynon Close, Chloorkop, Kempton Park, South Africa, it stands as a beacon of dedicated learning within the Gauteng community.
School Fees
Hope Restoration College, as an independent school, determines its tuition fees to support operational expenses and educational resources. For accurate information on current fees and any available financial assistance options, please contact the school directly.
School Uniform
The uniform policy for South African schools is regulated by the South African Schools Act of 1996 and further guided by the Gauteng Education Department. This legislation sets out guidelines regarding the design, colors, and wearing of school uniforms to promote a sense of identity, equality, and discipline among students. For specific details about Hope Restoration College uniform policy, individuals are encouraged to directly contact the school administration.
School Contacts
You can easily reach Hope Restoration College through various communication channels. Here are the options available:
- Address: 01, Cnr Zuurfontein Street And Orange River Drive, Beynon Close, Chloorkop, Kempton Park
- Phone: +27 119760600
- Email: az.gro.mrh@crh
- Postal Adress: P.O Box 13426 Norkem Park 1618
- Contact Person: Joyce Chanyandura
In 2023, Hope Restoration College maintained a conducive learning environment with 43 learners and a dedicated teaching staff of 9 educators. This configuration translated to an optimal student-to-teacher ratio of 5:1, reflecting the school’s commitment to personalized instruction and academic support.